Morning After Pill Drama


Okay. I generally have an extremely low sex drive. I’ve always been this way. My partner is supportive and loving and has been really really awesome as I learn how to embrace my sexuality through masturbating and communicating.

I haven’t been on the pill because I had a really bad reaction to it like 4 years ago, and, well, we don’t have sex that often.

So I was horny once and we had sex without protection and it wasn’t in my fertile zone but we wanted to be sure so I took the morning after pill within 10 hours.

After that, my body got weird. A few weeks later I had heavy flow without cramps. I assumed it was a side effect of the morning after pill.

Now, I SHOULD be having my period, but I’m just really crampy without any flow at all. I took a pregnancy test to be sure, and I’m not pregnant. But I’m really ready for my cycle to be normal.

Has anyone else experienced this???