Born at 26 weeks (with UPDATE)

Had my little girl on April 1st emergency c section due to HELLP she is doing well for only being 1 pound 1 oz at birth!!! She is definitely my little fighter I know it’s going to be a long road and I’m feeling kind of depressed I should still be pregnant and feel her moving that’s on of the hardest things to think about makes me cry knowing I’ll never feel her in my belly again but I just want her to be ok and and ready to come home 😭 so many emotions... everybody say a prayer for my little miracle baby,

lainey Jo

Update: she is doing great still. She is up to 1 pound 3 oz . They put a picc line in yesterday so they could adjust her fluids and help her grow better, since they stopped all feeding because of a stomach issue that they still haven’t decided what the problem is but in the next couple days they want to do a lower GI test and make sure there isn’t anything wrong in the lower end ( they already did the upper GI) they say sometimes they need to grow and the problem fixes itself 🤷‍♀️ so just waiting and praying it’s nothing serious. She has a head ultrasound scheduled for today and hoping for no bleeds! Yesterday was her one week birthday and I got to hold her and start kangaroo care with her. I was scared at first but it felt so great holding my baby and feeling her little kicks again ❤️❤️❤️

Update 4/13:

We’ve almost been here 2 weeks now and surprisingly it’s gone fast ... I can’t wait to bring my baby home but we have got some good news I called today to check up on her and she finally pooped!!! I never thought I would be so excited for a poop but this means there is no blockage anywhere and they are thinking her digestive system was just to immature to handle feedings when she was born. So in the next couple days they want to start feedings again and hopefully it goes well ... now that we are closer to fixing the belly issue ( maybe it fixed itself ) we can work on weaning off the vent they said within the next week she will hopefully be ready to switch to capap they weren’t going to until they figured out the belly issue Incase she ended up with “cpap belly” which is when some of the air makes its way to the stomach and fills it with air obviously causing more issues... everything is starting to go in the right direction fingers crossed 🤞🏼 it stays like that

^ Lainey 12 Days old 550 grams ^