Screw the damn pee stick!!!


As I sat and ate my 54,30873th mother freaking salad today, I suddenly got this surge of rage. Was it mostly due to the fact that I had yet ANOTHER negative pregnancy test? Most definitely. But did it help that when what I really wanted was some damn chick-fil-a I was instead eating a stupid salad? Nope.

I’ve been on the paleo diet for 7 months. The scale says I’ve lost 25 pounds, but I haven’t lost any inches. Anywhere. I look exactly the same as I did before. So how the hell does that work? 🤬 So I’m eating healthy, taking progesterone, and still nothing. No weight loss( that is visible at least), no legit ovulation, no positive tests. I just want to scream “WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING THIS ALL FOR?!? And then go stuff my face with waffle fries.

Because waffle fries never disappoint. Waffle fries are always positive.

Screw that damn little pee stick. Screw PCOS. And screw the fact that all I have to do is look too long at something deep fried and I gain 5 pounds.

How would it freaking be to not have PCOS?! 😭😭😭😭😭