
Ladies I’m so excited and happy right now!! I will officially be 40 weeks tomorrow and I had my appointment today. According to the doctor I am 3 cm dilated and my cervix is really soft and easy to find she said which is a really good sign. No idea of effacement as she didn’t say. I’m not too worried about that because she thinks I could go into labor within the next couple of days!!!! And if for some reason I don’t, I have an induction date set for next Friday at 9 am. So no matter what happens, the countdown is on and there is a glorious sparkly rainbow shining over the exit door!!!! The end is nigh!!!! Here’s a picture of my daughter just because she’s adorable and very excited to be a big sister and meet her baby brother. I swear some days she wants him out of mommy’s tummy as much as I do lol 😄