BAD timing for a period

Camiron • United States Army 🇺🇸 College Student

So I am in the Army. The majority of the people at my unit are males. So much so, to a point where when I was placed in the unit all of the platoons had to be briefed on how to act “appropriately and professionally” around a females. I believe there was one other female in the unit before I came there and she had been there for a while. She is slightly older and the males kind of see her as another male.

Anyways, of course on one of my workdays I RANDOMLY start my period so I was unprepared. I had no tampons. The medics didn’t carry feminine products in our unit because there were no females 🤷🏻‍♀️ so I was literally SOL.

What did I do? I wrapped a shit ton of toilet paper around my panties and made frequent trips to the ladies room throughout the day to freshen up because I was NOT about to scream bloody hell at these males and NOT about to let them see me at a weak moment needing their help.

Needless to say, I learned my lesson. In every uniform I own, I keep 4 spare tampons in my left mag pocket on my leg.

I later became friends with one of the medics and I told him my story and he said he personally make sure that the medics were prepared and started carrying feminine products.