

Long story short, go in at 630. Already dilated 2, 30% effaced and baby at -3 station. I think this is going to be a quick induction 😂 Start pitocin at 830. Slowly start dilating. Bounced on the ball, walked, they broke my water. At 945 I'm at a 3 😑. Baby down -2 station. Check me again at 245 I'm at a 5 50% effaced. Check me at 5, still at a 5. freaking out. Dr comes in. Baby girl was in a weird position, turns her around right where she needed to be and suddenly I'm at a 6, 90% and 0 station. (I think yeah, not much longer) Right? Wrong. Anyway. So I'm super cranky at this point. Due to GD numbers low all day, no sleep etc. Dr tells me I should probably get the epi and hopefully that will help. I agree. Contractions hurt lol. Get the epi, of course still pissed I've been in labor this long and no baby. Nurse makes me take a nap 😂😂. Much needed. Wake up about 630 and I'm dilated to 8. Okay, there's hope! Take another nap. Check me at 730 after feeling a ton of pressure. I'm at a 9. Light at the end of the tunnel!! Epi starts wearing off. Get nauseous, I'm starving. Epidural has given me the uncontrollable shakes. I throw up twice by 810 and I'm like where's my dr I think I'm at a 10. Dr shows up finally and I start pushing at 822. Baby girl arrives at 831!!! Felt everything! No tears or cuts or stitches. 8 pounds 8 ounces 20 inches long!! Breastfeeding like a champ right now!!