Depressed all the time 😔

I've always struggled with depressed and anxiety and ever since I found out I was pregnant I stopped all medication b/c I didn't want any negative affects on my twins. I'm also a recovering addict which I never see talked about in here, but it's a huge part of my story and I'm not ashamed of it. Anyway, being a recovering addict and being off of all my meds is making me so miserable and depressed. Not the recovering part obviously, I'm so grateful to be clean and proud of myself (i got clean way before I knew I was pregnant) but being on antidepressants for so long and just stopping them has really messed with my emotional state. My bf has a daughter who isn't very old so he's new to being a parent and has already gone through all of this and I get so worried he's not gonna love our babies as much as his daughter and I get so paranoid. Not to mention that it makes me so incredibly sad that none of his family has reached out to me when my family has been nothing but kind and loving towards him. He's the father to my twins which means his family is gonna be their family and it doesn't seem like they want any part in it even though I've never met them never mind done anything to make them not want to be. This pregnancy was unplanned and sometimes I feel all alone in this. Idk I just needed to vent, sorry for the rant :(