From BH to full labor!

Tasha • Married~DS:11/26/09~3👼🏽babies~🌈 4/6/18 (issa boy 🤴🏾)

Welp...I am officially a mom of 2! Let me start off by saying that I had both of my children at a birth center with midwives. So, 10am Thursday 4/5 I had my 39 week appt. All went well, nothing eventful, besides my BP being high (for the 1st time ever in my life). So I had to schedule another appt for Monday because my midwives didn't want me to wait another week to be seen and my BP was a concern. Carrying on with our day, my 8 year old and I went to visit my dad and sister (it's now around noon). My BH have been making themselves known for a month straight, but while visiting them I had a gut feeling that something was gonna happen. So we left to go home. We were relaxing, waiting for hubby to come home from work. Normal stuff. Later on around 8:30, I told hubby that my BH were a whole lot stronger and I felt them in my lady area and I started timing them at 9pm. They were lasting 30-80 seconds every 4-5 minutes. Sporadic, right!! Hubby called the birth center and they advised me to come in because my 1st L&D; was fast (5hr 53min; 9lb baby), this one would probably be the same. Contractions got REAL in the car! When I arrived (@ 10:55pm), I was 3cm and 80%. Then I found out that there was another laboring mama there and she was already in the birth tub room, so I had to go with my second choice room...ahhh, GRAVITY! 😫 Labor was intense. Now it's 1:15am and before I knew it, I was laying on my right side and my body started pushing and I felt a head sliding out! So I threw my legs open and they told me to stop because the cord was wrapped 3x around his neck. Then he was on my chest! I could instantly tell he was on the small side, which is not what I was expecting being as though I was told that he would be big like his brother. He was 6lbs 13.5oz and 19.5" long with a head full of straight black hair! Teeny tiny perfection!

Here's Baby Carter!! Born 4/6 at 1:19am @39wks 1day.

My BP stayed high and they wouldn't let me go home until it went down or I would have to go to the hospital. Nuh-uh!! It took 7 hours get it down and then we left to go home. Besides my BP actin a whole fool, everything went great! Hoping for safe deliveries for all you mommas!!