Ex Wants To See Me

My ex broke up with me after he realized he still had feelings for a female friend. He offered to cut her off if I agreed to take him back, but by that time I had already started casually dating again and I refused. Our relationship was only about 2 months. It felt longer, because he was like my best friend and that was honestly the worst break up I ever experien


Anyways he updates his Wattpad (a platform where people can publish their own stories) with personal stories (as do I) and apparently he's joining the reserves and said I'm the first person he wants to see before he leaves and when he gets back.

While this by itself would be a dilemma, I've been dating a guy for 7 months and I really care about him I don't want to nor will I lie to him, but I know if I tell him the truth he'll be petty and take it as it's fine to do the same thing like "oh so we're visiting exes now, bet". I know that if I have to hide something I shouldn't do it. I know that if I wouldn't want him doing something, I shouldn't be doing it myself. I know that if you have to ask about something, 9/10 you already know the answer. I know all the commom sense advice we give others but for some reason can never take oursleves.

I'm really just lost. I still care about him and I've never been big on or okay with loved ones going into the military, and I wouldn't forgive myself if something were to happen to him, but out of respect for my S/O I feel I shouldn't see him...wtf do I do???

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