Very scary birth.. it’s long I’m sorry lol


Well it’s been about two months since I have both to my son and I feel like it’s finally time to write my story lol. So I was due on January 25th and so for about a week I was walking squatting eating spicy food and doing whatever I could to get him out. When literally no signs of labor showed I quit doing everything and decided that he’d come when he was ready. On the night of the 26th I had my bloody show and I texted my mom and said “I think I’m gonna have him soon”. It was about 10pm so I went to sleep and woke up at 3am on the 27th with some mild contractions. Nothing too bad so I put it off as Braxton Hicks. I tried to go back to sleep but they were more consistent and getting more painful so at 5am I got up and decided to take a shower to see if they would stop. After about thirty minutes in the shower I couldn’t take it anymore and called my grandparents who were in town for the birth to take me into the hospital. When we got to the hospital they checked me and I was only 3cm so they sent me home... I was PISSED. So by 7am I was back home but the contractions were becoming unbearable and they were about three to five minutes apart. I labored at home for about two hours and I decided to go back to the hospital at 9am. When I got there they checked again and I was 4cm so they could admit me, yay! For my entire pregnancy I said I wanted to see how long I could go without the epidural but as soon as they offered it to me I took it 😂 UNFORTUNATELY THE EPIDURAL STOPPED MY CONTRACTIONS so they had to give me pitocin and break my water. But I was dilating so slowly like not even a cm an hour so family came and stayed all day until about 9pm when finally I was at 9cm and everyone left but my mom. They had me do some practice pushing but he wasn’t ready so they said wait 30 minutes and then they would come back. During the 30 minutes my epidural wore off so I felt EVERYTHING 😭 so they finally come back in at 9:30 and that’s when I am ready to go for real.. I was so scared lol I pushed and pushed for THREE HOURS and it was the worst pain I ever felt. THE RING OF FIRE IS REALLLLL! But once his head was out everything was so much better and he slid out with one last push. And at 12:54 am on January 28th, Apollo Xavier was born. Unfortunately because i was pushing for so long he was oxygen deprived and blue and he didn’t even cry. They set him on me for 2 seconds, cut the cord and took him away. Literally 10 doctors rushed in the room. I kept asking everyone if he was okay and no one would answer me they just kept saying he was cute and he still hadn’t cried. They told me they had to take him to the nicu to make sure everything was okay. So I told my mom to stay with him and then everyone left the room with him and I was left there in the room for three hours not knowing the status of my baby. Finally a doctor came in and told me I pushed for so long because he was “sunny side up” but m that he passed all the test and honestly I can’t even remember what he said was wrong because I was so exhausted I was just happy he was okay. I was taken to the mother baby unit and they brought him to me and I got to hold him for the first time and it was amazing. All of the pain and the stress was over and I had my baby and he was perfect. 💙 now he’s two months old and I’ve never been happier. Here’s some cute pictures of him lol