Does anyone prefer pumping to breastfeeding?


My son was in the NICU his first week of life, and since he was given binkis and bottles he has had trouble latching on to breastfeed. He gets really angry when he is hungry because the bottles are so much easier for him and he gets a lot of milk really fast. With the breast he has to work for it and he ends up sucking so hard he gets blisters on his lips. I can’t for the life of me get his lips to do the “fish lips” thing and so his latch is very tight and shallow, no matter how many times I break it. He doesnt like a lot of boob in his mouth. So I resorted to pumping every 4 hours and I can keep up with him and he is much happier and satisfied. But I am concerned about this long term if this is going to be really hard to keep up and maintain. Does anyone else pump and bottle feed and find it works well for them? Any thoughts or suggestions on what I should do?