Struggling with change

Hey ladies, just posting because I’m wondering if what I’m feeling is normal. I’m quite a short person and I’m not super skinny but wouldn’t call myself very overweight. After I saw a midwife she took my weight and height and said I was obese everyone has said that’s ridiculous but it’s played on my mind and I started going to the gym despite the fact my morning sickness has been through the roof and lost 3lbs this pregnancy. I just feel like my growing belly is all fat not baby and when I look in the mirror or try on clothes I just start crying. I really just want to enjoy this pregnancy but all I can see is that I’m getting fat and it’s really upsetting me because this is meant to be an amazing experience and I can’t seem to enjoy it. I keep looking at other peoples bumps and comparing it to mine and I know everyone is different but It’s ruining this whole thing because I feel for 12 weeks I look massive . My boyfriend is amazing but he doesn’t understand that all I see is fat 😭

This is me at 5 weeks 3 days and 11 weeks 3 days