Due date is today!

Andrea • Business owner, baby #2 due 4/8/18. Happily married and 8 year old girl.

But I know that doesn’t mean much. Makes me want to knock the doc over the head though. I had a “dating scan” done at 6 weeks because this was a rainbow baby, I had had a miscarriage right before this pregnancy and no period, therefore my dates were hard to determine. The doc said 4/8! My dates said 4/6, still he has yet to arrive. I have had symptoms and yesterday I swore he would come by today, because of the backache and nausea and breast pain and shift downward that he did. Nope. Had wonderful sleep though which I am cherishing. I’m trying extra strong red raspberry leaf tea today, lots of cleaning and maybe sex, that is the one thing I don’t do enough to help start labor. Who is else due today?