Thoughts? Long story but any insight is appreciated.


If you don’t want to read it all, my big questions are: what are the reasons you had to see your OB early? What are some issues the tech discovered on your ultrasound that required intervention. (Not necessarily anything wrong with the baby - cysts, PID, what else?)

I had an ultrasound on Wednesday and the tech showed us the baby and the heart beating but didn’t tell us anything else. I noticed at the time that she had written notes about my ovaries but didn’t pay attention to it at the time.

On Friday, I met with my family doctor who informed me that I’m having di-di twins! 1 twin is measuring 1 day ahead of what I thought (8w2d), with a heart rate of 176. The other twin is apparently not doing well, measuring about 11 days behind (6w4d) and heart rate is only 89. I asked him if twin B did not survive if that would affect twin A and he said it would not. Doctor is having me go in this coming Thursday to check twin Bs progress.

Flash forward about 4 hours later and I get a phone call from an OBs office asking me to come in on Monday for an appt. I didn’t ask what it’s about.

There are two scenarios - my doctor said he referred me to a different OB back in early Feb because I was really late but getting a negative HPT - my LMP was technically 13 weeks ago but I ovulated on CD 42 hence why I’m only 9 weeks now. So it’s possible that this OB is finally just responding to that requisition from back then.


The OB is calling in response to something on the ultrasound. Possibly the smaller twin, or the fact that twins are “high-risk” and she wants to see me right away, OR there was something wrong on the ultrasound.

Here’s where you come in - what are the reasons you had to see your OB early? What are some issues the tech discovered on your ultrasound that required intervention.

I just find it strange that the doctor wouldn’t tell me to expect a call from an OB when I just saw him that day?