To vacay or not to vacay?

Z • 💍 5.27.16 💙👦🏻6.26.18 💖👶🏻02.2020📍HouTX

My husband and I travel once a year for a week on our anniversary. Well I’ll be well into my third trimester on our anniversary this year, so we were considering booking something for early next year!

As a first time mom, I am unsure of how to time it.

Anyone have any suggestions as far as how long after you have baby, you felt comfortable going on a vacation without your baby? Not focused so much my personal health aspect... but more on what to expect at certain ages for our son, when you experienced the “I need a break!!” Feeling vs the “I NEVER WANT TO LEAVE BABIES SIDE” feeling, breastfeeding aspect, how long til you felt normal after giving birth, etc.



Due Mid July

“Planning” on breastfeeding til hopefully January 2018

Wanting a 5 day minimum getaway and to drink alcohol occasionally... 🙈