7dpo symptoms help

Brittnee • Mama to two boxer pups, three angel babies, and my perfect rainbow baby boy born 8-4-21🌈💙

TMI! I know symptom spotting is a no-no and i haven’t been trying to. Basically this month i feel like it’s impossible we could have conceived because we didnt bd enough during fertile window. Anyways for a few days now(3-4) I’ve had consistent heartburn, itchy nipples, SORE nipples, and watery cm. I’ve been moisturizing my boobs constantly but holy cannoli my right nipple is so bad it wakes me out of a dead sleep! Due to trying to regulate my cycle since coming off birth control af could show anywhere from tomorrow to 1 more week. I know it’s early but anyone have similar symptoms happen before af or bfp? Since last night I’ve been very emotional but I’m chalking that up to stress and/or probably pms