Induced Due to Grade 3 Placenta


I've loved reading everyone's birth stories on here and feel like it helped me prepare for mine...So here is my story hope it helps someone else as you prepare for your labor and delivery. Sorry it's long.

I had high bp this pregnancy so was being monitored closely. At 36 weeks we found out the placenta was grade 3 and  at 37 weeks it was determined that baby would need to be born between 38 and 39 weeks for her own safety.

So we went to the hospital April 1st at 10pm and around 11:30 got started with the first round of cytotec. I was closed and not effaced at the time 😒 but my cervix was thinned and anterior which we were told was a good sign things would probably progress well.. Hubby and I tried to rest as much as possible and contractions weren't too bad at this point. At 4am I was checked and had dilated to 1cm so they placed another pill. At 8am I was still at a 1 but 50% effaced. So they placed another one. By noon I was "almost" 2 cm...since I'd had 3 rounds of cytotec at this point, my doctor decided to break my water to see if that would speed things up and said they'd start pitocin a few hours after.

About 15 minutes after breaking my water, my contractions went from me barely needing to breathe through them to the point that it was hard to even breathe at all...they were so strong and coming 2 or 3 on top of each other without a break. I was going to see how long I could go without an epi but at this point I threw in the towel as I was writhing in pain and not getting a break. My husband was incredible support at this time and really made me appreciate him so much more with just how amazing and helpful he was. I felt whimpy for getting an epidural before even hitting 3 cm but I just couldn't keep going for hours with these crazy contractions so close together and he was very supportive of my decision. Well, the anesthesiologist was in surgery at the time and couldn't get to me for another hour or two I was told. But the nurse saw how much pain I was in and said she'd give me something in my IV to take the edge off. I honestly dont know what they gave me because I was in so much pain I didn't care but within 10 minutes I was barely feeling contractions and was actually sleeping because it made me tired. So I got a nap at that point which was great!

Once I got the epidural, they started pitocin....and I was only 3 cm. A few hours later baby's heart rate started dropping with contractions. So they put me on oxygen and had me lay on my side to see if that would help. They stopped and started pitocin a few times. After all that didn't help, and I was only just shy of 4 cm, it was decided I'd need a c section at around 6:30pm.

From there, everything went very quickly. I was nervous because I hadn't really read up on c sections much but I knew it was best for baby so I was okay with it. They prepped me, the anesthesiologist gave me more meds and asked what kind of music I'd like playing during the procedure. Hubby scrubbed up and came back to hold my hand through it all. Baby girl was born at 7:25pm. Hubby went back to see her and

cut the cord while they were stitching me up. And in a few minutes they'd placed her in my arms for me to hold until it was time to go back to the room. I can't explain the love and joy felt in that moment. Even though it wasn't the birth I expected, it was perfect and I'm so glad my princess is here safe and sound!

I'm very thankful for my doctors and nurses who made the experience as enjoyable as possible even with all the changes. And I'm so thankful we live in a day where medical advances make it possible to catch things like a calcified placenta before it's too late! With as aged as it was, and as slow as I progressed, I probably would not have gone into labor on my own in time to get her here safely without medical interventions. She is 6 days old today and thriving! And I'm recovering slowly from the surgery.

Meet Anastasia Marie