Lack of excitement

Does anyone else have a problem with their boyfriend/fiancé or husband not showing excitement? My husband has shown excitement a few times but, other than that, he doesn't seem excited at all. So it kinda kills my excitement.
The last time he was told he's going to be a father was when he was still in high school and I'm like, it's ok to be excited this time! You're married.. So many people are excited for us and he just kinda acts like it's no big deal😔 the only time he's shown any kind of "emotion" is when he told two of his friends and two of his grandparents. He said he was upset he couldn't go to the first appt with me until I told him it was just paperwork (new obgyn patient). Then asked me about 5 times when the appt was to hear the heartbeat.
Just frustrating I guess..maybe once he hears the heartbeat or gets to see the baby, he'll get excited.