College Moms


I’m 17 but I’ll be 18 in 3 months and I’m currently 7 weeks pregnant i was wondering how do you guys handle school? I’ll be done with my 1st semester of school before the baby’s due but I need Advice and tips on how to handle my second semester... I’ll be full time taking 2 classes a day M- Th . So should i look at daycares or babysitters ? Should i take time off ? I need some advice and some stories, The dad works for Airlines... so I’m not looking at him as someone to watch the baby while I’m at school he’s most of the time not even in my state. He always at work ( flying around the US). Financially i should be fine , I’ll just need to figure my school schedule. i also have a full time job so i wondering should i take time off or quite ? Any advice is helpful