Heartbroken 😞 I think I had a chemical pregnancy


3 days ago I got my first true faint positive on a first response...7 test later that faint line was still there. This morning that faint line was practically gone and this evening I started spotting and its slowly getting heavier. I’ve been fighting back tears all night and I just can’t hold it in anymore. I wanted it so badly I even called the doctor on Friday and she said I would be due December 20th! My first appointment was scheduled for May 21st and I have to cancel that tomorrow. I think I had a chemical pregnancy which I never even heard of until joining this app. So many people have went through it and now I’m one of them. It’s so difficult being so close to something and then it’s gone. If there’s one thing I’ve learned I will not test early. I would rather spare myself the heartache because it’s unbearable. I bought a onesie on Friday afternoon because I wanted to tell my fiancé the good news but I didn’t I wanted to wait. Even now I can’t bring myself to tell him because I don’t want to break his heart too. We’ve both wanted this so badly. It’s been 8 months of negative tests to finally have a positive. I’m going to see if I can get blood work tomorrow to really determine what happened. Honestly, if you are testing before AF I highly recommend waiting. I know it’s hard because you wanna know so badly but 75 percent of pregnancies are chemical pregnancy. The only reason we know it happens is because we test early. Sorry for the long post I just need to share.