Biggest NICU baby ever


Well since I went back to work this week I’ve been thinking about my boy a lot more and thought I’d share my birth story...

So I went to my 39 week check on Friday and the doctor said it’s looking like my son was going to be late. Maybe 2 weeks late! I was so done with being pregnant and just wanted him out already (I work in retail and was on my VERY swollen feet for 10 hour shifts). All weekend I looked up ways to induce labor and tried them all. Pineapple, spicy food, walking. No luck. Sunday night I read about nipple stimulation and said what the hell, may as well try. Well I woke up at 2:30am with minor contractions about 8 minutes apart. By 4pm my OB checked me and said I was 5cm and to go to the hospital. By the time I got there I was 6.5cm and yelling at everyone. Once I got my epidural I felt much better and pretty much napped until around 10:45pm. That’s when the pressure got insane. Doc checked me and I was at 10cm finally! I started pushing at 11:15 and had my baby boy at 11:43. Oliver William was 9lbs even and 22” long! Unfortunately he swallowed the meconium on the way out and had fluid in his lungs. They suctioned but couldn’t get him breathing right so he went to the NICU to be put on oxygen. He spent his entire stay there, but is doing great now at 10 weeks old 😊

Before my epidural, mid contraction. Husband thought he was funny 🙄

Just born

His first night

My big 10 week old boy!