
i’m 16, and there’s this guy who is my kind of boyfriend, let’s call him Ryan, but he lives about an hour away from me so it’s kind of tough. the only time i get to see him is when i go stay with my other friend, let’s call her Linda. i really want to hang out with ryan again the next time i go to see linda, but he definitely can’t come to her house because her parents are strict. we don’t really want to hang out in public because there’s nowhere really private to go. he said we can come to his house, but the only thing is that linda isn’t willing to do that unless she knows there’s a guy for her also. ryan said he’s tried to find a friend of his for linda but just can’t really, and this is a problem because this is really the only way i can see ryan if linda has someone too. any advice about how i can see ryan, because he’s an amazing guy who i want to see whenever i possibly can (where to meet up, how to figure it out with linda, etc.)? Thanks!