6 month sleep

I am struggling, I haven't slept in 6 months... not 1 night off. My baby won't sleep, crying screaming you name it.

I'm thinking I have to do the cry it out method. Please positive posts only. I feel like I've tried everything......

Any experiences please

Update: it seems to be working. Took total 40 min but only 15 of that was crying, the rest was her just rolling around self soothing and me learning. She slept 7.5 hours straight! Hopefully it wasn't a fluke !!

Update 2: if anyone is reading, she slept through the night! O m g ahhhhh! First sleep in 6 months, but I did wake up totally freaked out. 8-5 I will take it ! This was the 4th night into cio, Yay so excited!!!

Oh and she stoped crying the 2nd night when I'd put her down. She would wake up once in the middle of the night to feed then would cry 5-10 min, but not bad. I think she just needed some independence and she is so much happier and so giggly this week!

I know it's not for every mom or baby, but it was a blessing for us :)