Pinch me, I’m dreaming or just another nightmare?

Brittney • 🎀 12/26/18 Brielle TTC a 🚙 Supplement/vitamin enthusiast. Love medical research. ADHD / MTHFR Compound Heterozygous

I’ve had two early mc’s recently. One in December another last month in March.. I’m 26 ttc for 7 months. Well this month, we weren’t messing around. We want to be pregnant already. So this month I used opks 2 a day CD 7-18. BD on my peak days using preseed. Laid with a pillow under my butt for 15-20 minutes each time, took baby aspirin every day and incorporated other changes as well!

Well... looks like those changes might have paid off!

I’m a POAS addict so I’ve been testing with cheapies and FRER since 7dpo -saw some vvvfls last week but they were real squinters... kinda bummed.

Yesterday, Sunday 8th- I got my first easy-to-see early positives!!! I couldn’t be more excited. My husband couldn’t deny there are two lines yesterday. He told me all last week that he couldn’t see two lines on any tests.

Now we’re both excited but cautious after our previous miscarriages!

Called the dr today! Hoping this one sticks!

You guys see it right?!?