We’ve all heard of the sleep regressions, but is it possible to have a food regression?


My 7-month-old hasn’t been wanting to eat much lately. He’s not showing any signs of sickness (and I definitely know all the signs cause he’s been sick a lot over the winter) I’m starting to get a little concerned.

Is food regression a thing? He was taking 6oz bottles + breastfeeding (we combo feed- low supply issues) and I was beginning to give him some solids once or twice a day. He never really wants more than about an ounce or two though, so I don’t feel like the ‘solids’ are keeping him really full or something. I haven’t really been keeping track of how many bottles a day he had been taking, I was just feeding on demand, but I can definitely tell that it’s been less lately. Breastfeeding especially has become darn near impossible too.

Does teething reduce appetite usually? His gums aren’t red or inflamed or anything, but he does drool and suck on things a lot. He’s also been really just finicky overall. Clingy and refusing sleep to the point of becoming overtired and fussy.

What’s your normal eating/sleeping schedule for your 7-month-old? Any advice?