Here we go again...


On 2/23/18 I found out we were having a baby. We were so excited and ready for a new adventure. My daughter is 15 and my stepson is 4. We had been trying since this summer and suddenly it happened! On March 6th I started bleeding and found out that during the course of the week, I had lost my baby. I went in for blood results on 3/8/18 and my hcg levels were at 64 and my follow-up results from 3/10/18 my hcg levels dropped to 19. I was heartbroken. Fast forward to 4/8/18...according to Glow and Ovia I was 5 days late according to when i miscarried and should take a test. So I was negative for a long time and then all of a sudden that positive line appeared very faint and slowly got darker but nothing was happening with the control window. After 10 minutes the line was barely anything in the control window so I decided to go and get a new test...I took it and sure enough...PREGNANT! Has anyone else been there before, miscarriage and then a healthy pregnancy immediately after?