Advice on baby formula sensitivity!

Stephanie • Wife💍 Mom 👧🏼👶🏼 👼🏻🤰🏼Gastric Bypass July 2020 Insta: @stephsbypassedlife

Hello! So my little Isla is 7 1/2 months and ever since she was about 3 weeks old she would be so fussy and gassy when she would have her bottles. She was getting breast milk and milk based sensitive formula. She would arch and fuss and pass gas and seemed so uncomfortable. And then she started projectile vomiting her whole bottle up. I’m not talking spit up I mean whole bottle in our laps.

So doctor suggested acid reflux meds and also switching to soy formula. Well the medication seemed to help but she seemed a little fussy still even with soy formula. But eventually she stopped the fussing and gas pains and even stopped projectile vomiting.

After maybe a couple weeks on her acid reflux meds we stopped them and she remains the same but she is still on soy but is SO constipated. Has been ever since being on soy. No amount of apple/pear juice or purée food helps her out.

I’m starting to wonder if maybe she was just a super sensitive baby and that switching to soy wasn’t what fixed it all and that she just grew out of it.

-I’m wondering if any other mom has gone through this and reintroduced milk based formula and everything went okay? I’ve read so much that soy causes constipation and I’m wondering if switching back to milk base would help her little bum out.

-Also wondering how to execute reintroducing milk based. How did you all do it? Did you just switch and just watch how they handled it and such?

-I have already messaged her doctor, waiting to hear back but wanted to see if anyone else experienced similar things? And if their baby was just generally fussy and grew out of it.

-I switched her doctors at her 6 month appointment, but her last doctor just had us using glycerin suppositories daily for Isla to pass a softer stool since juice and purees were not helping her.