Poor baby 😓

Shirley • Married 💍 Third Time Mom♥️ 1st Baby born 01-25-2018 👧🏻 2nd Baby born 06/24/2020; 3rd Baby - Miscarriage; 4th Baby - Medical Termination diagnosis of Turner’s Syndrome

My little princess is sick! She has conjunctivitis, a minor cold which is causing low grade fevers between 100.0-100.4 at night, she has tons of mucus & is also teething. She’s only 10 weeks 😭😭 The doctor said she has a lot going on & that the conjunctivitis is the mucus finding other ways to come out of her body!

This was this morning when she woke up:

& this was her after her bath 😂😂 Still a happy baby & sleeping as if nothing is wrong!