ANY SUCCESS???? 2 Corpus Luteum!!!


Hey there Ladies! Okay, I had my post ovulation appointment(following Letrozole+trigger+ti) today 4/9/18. Our RE did a ultrasound to see if there was evidence that I had in fact ovulated(by the feeling of it I swear it was an ostrich egg! Lol) He reported that I had a corpus luteum in both my right and left ovary! I pray that this means I released 2 HEALTHY eggs which would increase our chances of conception and I pray good HEALTHY sperm fertilized the egg(s) and it sticks! Little concerned with my uterine thickness(7mm), but all I can do is let God handle it. I have faith that our miracle is on the way! Prayers appreciated friends🙏🏾❤️.

Anyone have this situation with success?