Just here to brag a little ๐Ÿ˜


Miniature update...!!!!!

So I called my mom last night and the conversation went something like this.

Me: am I crazy if I already know I want to marry him ....

Mom: no youโ€™re not crazy

Me: okay that was the sub question. Hereโ€™s the real one. He wants to put a ring on it soon... but he wants to ask dad first. What will dad say?

Mom: he wouldnโ€™t say anything other than yes! As long as and especially if you clarify that the actual marrying part wonโ€™t be for a couple more years.

since weโ€™re long distance and heโ€™s planning on joining the Air Force, heโ€™ll have to go through basic training and school and I have to finish school, and by that time, 2-3 years from now, weโ€™ll be able to live together and afford a wedding. ๐Ÿ˜Š


Out of no where today he started talking about marrying me. I couldnโ€™t stop smiling at work โ˜บ๏ธ

Iโ€™m a freshman in college and heโ€™s a senior in high school. He moved to Texas almost 2 years ago and I live in Kansas. We met when we were in 6th and 7th grade and became best friends and each others support system. Texting, always hanging out at school. We โ€œdatedโ€ in junior high and mostly just hugged and held hands at lunch. Then broke up for something silly like junior high kids do. But 3 years and 3 months ago, we finally realized that we need each other in our lives and we became an official couple, we met each others parents etc and weโ€™ve been together ever since, doing long distance for the past couple years. Iโ€™m so in love and Iโ€™m the luckiest girl in the world.

Also tell me why I just noticed that my face in the first picture is the same as his in the second ๐Ÿ˜‚