She’s here thanks to MidWife Brew


After hearing about the mid wife brew, watching several videos and doing lots of research on other peoples experiences, I decided to give it a try. Considering that I have tried dates, exercising, squats, pineapples, lots of sex, Clary Sage and etc I thought well giving it a try won’t hurt . I went to Walmart got home and made the brew at 4:36, had one light poop and a little pain with in the next hour but that was it . So in my mind I’m thinking this did not work 😒🙄😞 as gross as it was to get down and gaging it didn’t work.

At 11:30 I went to sleep, woke up a little after 12 with light contractions. They started to get strong and then noticed light spotting. Called my mid wife at 1:56am told me to time them and take a bath . So that’s what I did and once I started to time them I noticed how close they where and this was from 2:24am to 3:40am. SO was tired of seen me in pain told me to call my mid wife, even though I didn’t want to I did and she told me to come on in as she could tell in my voice it was really painful. We arrived at the hospital at 4:10am SO was flying like a bat out of hell as if that was going to stop my pain 😂😭 once we got checked in my midwife checked my cervix for the first time ever and said I was 7cm dilated 😱😱😳 we was in shock . So she immediately moved me to the delivery room, I decided to walk instead of riding in a wheel chair and the contractions was so much closer together. Had her check me again and she said I was at 8 . I went all the way to 9 cm and decided to get a light dosage of epidural to take some of the pain off and the pressure. Was only given enough to make it through delivery . had my baby girl at 5:40am with no rips . Only pushed about 5 times!

6lbs 7oz 19 1/2 inches long . Original due date is 04/12/2018 . She is PERFECT everything I have prayed for and more . A true blessing and so very thankful for god allowing me to be a mother of now two great kids . I fell I love all over again.