Feeling blue 🙈


Hey ladies,

I'm not the kind of person to reach out and ask for help but my heart is hurting right now, and I just need someone to talk to. Recently I have had some health scares and while my husband is trying to be supportive I just feel so alone right now. In my friend group I'm always the one helping everyone else out but now that I'm the one in need there's no one around. I had a possibly cancerous mole removed on my leg on Friday and passed out in the doctors office and then had to drive a hour back home. ☹️ This Friday I have to go in for a 5 hour stress test and get my blood taken each hour and I'm so scared I'm going to to pass out again during the this test. I've always been pretty healthy, I work out and eat healthy but now my health seems to be changing. I went into the doctor to talk about having a baby and now I have to shift gears and focus on my health. Everyone around me is pregnant and it just hurts that I have to put things on hold right now. My best friend gave birth a few weeks ago and I was there at every step of her pregnancy from doctor appointments to birth but now that the babies here, I haven't seen her. She keeps telling me to pop by but every time I text her, it's not a good time. I totally get that she just had a baby and wants bonding time but I wish she was around to talk with. I haven't even told her about all of these tests because I don't want to give her added stress. My family lives far away and my husbands family is very busy and they don't have much time. All of my other girlfriends are pregnant, traveling for work or they live far away so I just don't have that close person to talk with right now. I guess what I am looking for is just someone to listen to me, that won't judge. I'm sorry if I seem like I'm having a pity party for myself I just needed to let that all out.