successful induction, perfect delivery


I would like to share my birth story with everyone. This app has helped me through my pregnancy a lot and I loved reading all the birth stories in the middle of the night, so now it is my turn. This was my second (and last) pregnancy because of high risk. After I delivered my son, I had developed a dvt and had been on blood thinners for this 2nd pregnancy. I also have a bleeding disorder, so lets just say it was a horrrrrible 8 months. Doctor decided it is best to be induced at 37 weeks for my own health. I went in at 7 am on friday April 6th for my induction. After getting all settled and checked in I was started on pitocin. I was already at 3 cm and 70%effaced so that was a great start. contractions started comming steady but not painful. Once they were 1 to 2 mins apart the Dr came in to break my water. That was maybe about 12:30. Then things started moving. Contractions became more painful but still manageable. My nurses went for their lunch and then the contractions really started hurting and became harder to breath through. So I called for the epidural. It took maybe a half hour for them to come in and get set up. The anesthesiologist told me my risks for hemorrhaging is higher because of my bleeding disorder. I decided to take the chance. The epidural wasnt as painful to get as my first was. My first delivery I had a failed epidural so I was a little concerned it might not work again. However, my nurses were amazing and did everything right to make this time work from switching side to side and laying me flat with the peanut ball. This was a piece of cake, i thought. So now i get checked and am at a 7cm super stretchy. im not dilating anymore. nurse checks and baby is sunny side up. so more repositioning and trying to get baby to flip. So i take a break to sit up for a bit to change positions and i started to realllly hurt with each contraction. the epidural was wearing off because of sitting up. this was all during the nurse change so finally the new nurse comes in to lay me back on my side and give another dose of the epidural. It isnt working fast enough. The pain has moved to my vaginal area and hips and legs and everywhere in my pelvis. I have to wait 10 minutes for the next boost but i can barely breath. The pain wasnt letting up and felt like a continuous pressure. I have a weird urge to poop. I know what this meant. But no I have to wait and get checked. . I was a 10, baby flipped around and was in position. Doctor is called right away. I had enough time to administer the last boost of epidural and through only 3 contractions I pushed and baby girl came right out. This whole experience was everything I could have hoped for. I came in with fear and anxiety for the worst. My first was so traumatic that I had just a fear of it all going bad again but it was so easy and i am sooo happy with how it all went. An induced labor and delivery can go great! and no one needs to fear them. Just take it slow and trust your body to do the work. I am happy to announce the arrival

of sweet baby girl Aurora Kaye Vasfaret. She came at 7:57 pm on April 6th, 2018 (her daddy's bday). 6.2 lbs and 17.5 inches long. she is so tiny and perfect! Our sleeping beauty!