Advice needed


Hi ladies, needed some advice.

I have been seeing this guy for around 3 months now. He is great, and we have both established that although we are exclusive, we want nothing serious. We have been seeing each other once a week, and this stage, he hasn’t met any of my family or friends, but I have met his flat mates and brother.

My problem is that he responds to my messages very late - so 6-18 hours. So sometimes we only end up messaging only a day. I have told him that we need to work on our communication - I don’t expect instant replies, but would appreciate responses a bit earlier once he is done with work. This just makes me insecure because after our 4th date, he did message me saying “if you are after something casual then maybe this would work…”. I kinda feel that I may only be a friend with benefit for him?

Also, I am a timid person, who hates to confront people. But what do I say to him? Maybe I should just let him know that we can be friends? Although he is a great guy, and we have a great chemistry - his responses show lack of effort from him and maybe he does not like me?