36 weeks pregnant, BH contractions stopped and movements decreased.


I’m 36 weeks pregnant with my second daughter and since the beggining of the pregnancy she doesn’t move much, which got me freaking out and nervous all the time! My family calls me paranoid and crazy, they always say I am overreacting because my OB says she is ok in all of my appointments. The US shows a healthy baby. But now at 36 weeks, BH contractions (which started at 22 weeks) stopped and her movements decreased a lot, so I’m really freaking out! I spent the whole pregnancy messaging my OB and he even lost his patience because I worry too much, I always think there’s something wrong when there isn’t, so I don’t want to message him and ask again about my baby’s moves, the last time I did it, he didn’t even reply me. My next appointment is next friday, so I’m trying to calm down until then, but it’s so hard! I’m literally freaking out here, can’t sleep, I don’t know what to do! What would you do? Has any of you ever gone through this?