Does God plan when you die?

A long time ago I saw post that said something like "this person was supposed to be at the south building on 9/11 but he didn't make it because he was stuck in traffic, another person was late because his coffee order was off... Whenever you're frustrated because you're late, remember: you're exactly where God wants you to be"
First I was interested but then I started thinking about all those people that died on 9/11, were they exactly where God wanted them to be? Dead?
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Absolutely. Our society says that death is such a bad thing, when it really isn't. It's a part of life, a very important part at that. Yes, death is very hard for those who are still alive to wrap their brain around. It's hard and it hurts those of us who are left behind. But I strongly believe that death is not as scary, not as taboo, and certainly not as terrifying and awful as we make it out to be.So yes, God can know and even plan our death and still be all loving and perfect.What we have to understand is that we can know God's heart; we can know that he is all loving. But we can't understand his motives yet, we don't know WHY he does what he does, because if we did, we would be God! This is why we can't explain why he would destroy nations in the Old Testament, this is why we don't understand why he even gave us free will in the first place. This is where faith and trust come in to play.


Adrianna • Jun 22, 2015
love this!


Sa • Jun 22, 2015
I should have worded that better. We don't understand why He is allowed to destroy nations but we are not. My point is that we don't know God's motives.


⚪Hula👶👶👶 • Jun 22, 2015
The old testament explains why he destroyed them each time..


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Uh... there is no god, so... no.


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I would say yes, because it doesn't make sense that he would plan part of life but not the rest. It can't go both ways. That being said, I'm obviously an atheist but that's just how I see it. 


. • Jun 22, 2015
God doesn't punish us. There are consequences to the choices we make. As Shirin stated, we were given free will.


Cookie🏋💪 • Jun 22, 2015
The only thing with the picture, is that.. he doesn't plan for us to do anything. We choose our path, it's called free will :)


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God has our entire lives planned out. 


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Yep. But the live you live isn't planned, so to speak. You choose your own path, and you have free will.


Cookie🏋💪 • Jun 22, 2015
life* and thanks


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God has nothing to do with anything. I plan my own life and things that I can't control just happen. My boyfriend's dad dying from cancer wasn't in a "plan". 


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Absolutely not. God is a God of love. He would not plan that heartache.Time and unforseen events happen to us all. Good person, bad person. Doesn't matter. Ecclesiastes 9:11 says that is the case.


Stephanie • Oct 13, 2015
Then he is not omnipotent then? How can an event be out of his control of he were?


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In my opinion yes. I believe your entire life is planned out before it happens.. Including death. 


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Possibly...I dont think we truly understand death because we simply do not know for sure what happens after we die...we can use theory and religeon but still dont have hard proof...I think whatever happens after we die is incomprehensible....we wont understand until it happens...ergo we wont truly understant gods intentions until after we pass...I thought about the same thing so many times to! 


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