My Birth Story


I always read others birth stories and loved it so here is mine.

I was due Easter Monday 2nd April. He made a no show and I didn’t start labour until I was 40 + 4, having him at 40 + 5 being 7th April. I had no signs of going into labour but my partner says in hindsight my bump appeared a lot pointer.

On 6th April I decided to go for a walk up a steep hill, what harm could it do. When I got back I thought I’d just vacuum the lounge. Before I knew it I’d cleaned the entire house. Once I’d finished at 16:00 I sat on the couch to have a drink and leant forward to reach my book off the coffee table and my waters leaked a good amount. I phoned the Labour Unit to let them know and check what I need to do with me being a FTM. They said I needed to go into the Assessment Unit to confirm that it was my waters and to check that baby remains happy. We decided I’d go in for 17:30 which worked for me as I wanted to wait for my washing to finish so I could hang it out to dry. At this point I had a few very mild contractions.

Once my partner and I arrived at the assessment unit baby’s heartbeat was checked and he was happy. Whilst I was sat waiting around 18:00 my waters fully broke, I was drenched. The Midwife confirmed it was my waters (like I didn’t know) and said I would be admitted when in active labour being the famous 5-1-1 for my contractions and at least 4 cm dilated. She gave me tips to manage at home and booked me for induction for 16:00 the next day incase I didn’t go into labour on my own although she said it’s doubtful if I’m already eating mild contractions. We left the unit around 18:30.

On the way home we got Mc Donald’s drive through and ate this at home. I got into the bath and shaved my legs and felt ok, again only having the odd smallish contraction. Around 21:00 my contractions were suddenly very intense and none stop. I took some Co-codamol, it did nothing. My partner tried to get me into bed, I couldn’t. I told him if this wasn’t active labour then I cannot do this as what I was feeling was not manageable at home. He phoned the Labour Ward who told me to go in. We got to the hospital about 21:30 and sure enough I was nearly 5 cm dilated. I went into my birthing suite and go straight into the pool. It felt so nice and would definitely recommend it. After about an hour I had to start on the gas and air. Before I knew it it was 23:30 and I was asking for an epidural, although it wasn’t in my birth plan. The midwife checked me and I was 9.5 cm dilated. I was shocked! No point in getting one now as this was the worst it was going to get. About half past midnight/01:00 I started pushing. I pushed for 2 hours. My midwife couldn’t understand why it was taking so long given my quick labour and she said I was pushing like I’d had 4/5 kids.

At 02:54 his head was out but every time I pushed he would go back in a bit. The midwives soon got worried and they asked my partner to pull the emergency buzzer. Next thing I knew everyone came rushing in and the midwife was jumping up and down on my stomach. I had two women holding my legs as wide open as they could. The Dr had to put her hand up the side of his head to see what was wrong and had to turn him. Turns out his shoulder was stuck in my pelvis due to the fact that I’m petite and he was 9 lb 1! My little boy finally came out at 02:59. He was taken straight away to be resuscitated at the side of the room but finally took a breath after what seemed like a lifetime. I suffered a second degree tear to my perineum and had to have stitches.

I had a very dramatic end to what was actually a really nice labour. I’m so in love with my little boy who has taken my nearly 3 years to get and x2 miscarriages. Thank you April Babies for being on this journey with me.