What should I expect?

Amanda • I am a business owner, mommy to a 2 year old little girl and an angel baby 9.10.17. Trying to conceive my 🌈 baby.

On Friday my husband and I are going to my obgyn for us to discuss options on getting pregnant. I miscarried in Sept of 2017 and we began trying in November. I’ve taken numerous ovulation tests and all have came back negative. Also did a round of clomid with trigger injection in January and still nothing. I’m 26 and my husband is 40. We have 1 daughter together she will be 2 in June. We don’t want to wait too long since his age. Please if you have any advice on what may be discussed please let me know. I’m freaking out in my mind thinking the next step will be <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> but realistically that’s too expensive for us to peruse if insurance won’t pay a dime.

Thank you all and God bless😊