Body shaming 😕


Why is it that people feel they’re entitled to say something about your body? Since when is everyone perfect ? If you’re skinny, you’re anorexic and need to eat. If you’re thick, chubby, or fat, then you need to lose weight because of “health issues” umm...?? How do you even know how healthy i am? Everyone has a different body type. If you work out and look strong, you “look like a dude” if you have a small booty and boobs then you’re flat asf, but if you get them done then you’re “fake” if you have them naturally big, then please cover up because “you look like a slut” i don’t understand ☹️ when did society make us shame others to feel better about ourselves. Girls, let’s EMPOWER each other. EVERYONE IS WINNINGl


•only YOU need to approve of yourself.

•If you want to wear that booty short with a crop top, ROCK IT!

•If you want to cover your hair, COVER IT!

•If you want to cut it short, CUT IT!

•If you want plastic surgery, go ahead!

•If you want to change it naturally, motivate yourself!

•Only YOU can decide how you feel about yourself.

•If YOU’RE not happy, change for YOURSELF.

•DO NOT let your happiness be dependent on another person.

•DO NOT let others bring you down for being yourself.

Love yourself. And love others.