hope again

My husband I have been struggling to get pregnant, and even went to a specialist this past week. The experience didnt end quite the way I would hope. After a very emotional few days I finally have hope again.

I am not sure how many of you ever read the several post about finding the baby bell pepper when you cut a big one open, but it was odd how many people found it and then got a bfp. Well i finally got mine...and it was huge lol

Then a few days ago a clicked on a pregnancy test on facebook, but it wouldnt load so I excited out. Then I walk into my stagg lounge 2-3 days later and my secretary starts asking me if this is real? I was so confused until she showed me her phone. Facebook had completed the test by itself and posted the results like 1 hr before...it said pregnant with twins 😁 Never finished loading the test....2 days earlier...wtf? lol

So hopefully these are signs that something will happen soon, or at least we will be parents in the future. Right now im just trying to stay postive, give it time, and remind myself there are just some things I can not control 100%.