Beating the odds against him! Fighter! πŸ’ž No epidural! πŸ˜„


Im a ftm and my entire pregnancy was hard & stressful, my little man was always way to small πŸ˜• he had high resistance in the umbilical cord, my blood counts were high, there was an infection in the amniotic fluid.. things were going sideways. I lost my mucus plug and developed contractions at 27 weeks.. the hospital held me and stopped me from going into premature labour. I had soo many appointments, the doctors were watching my baby closely. I went for my doctors appointment at 35 weeks and my doctor was incredibly concerned about his weight, he estimated 4lbs 😒. I cried hard that day, my whole pregnancy I was just hoping my little man would grow! Everyday I'd tell him to grow! My doctor said on April. 6th I would have to be induced due to his size as my due date was April.13th. I was excited but nervous because I had no idea how my baby's health would be, would he be stuck in the hospital for weeks? Months? We didn't know. Well at 4:00 am March. 29th I started having strong contractions, I waited it out for an hour but decided to wake my SO up and go to the hospital. So we did, we arrived and I was 1 cm dilated.. OMG! My doctor wanted me to stay but I saw no reason to as I wasn't that dilated. We went home and the contractions got stronger and stronger to the point were I was struggling, at 6pm that day we went back to the hospital and I was 3 cm dilated so they admitted me. I walked around as much as I could, up and down the stairs and breathed through each contraction.. I got a shot of morphine in which It almost stopped the contractions completely.. I was so upset πŸ˜• the nurse told me to take this time and sleep as I hadn't and I would be exhausted but I said no and I kept walking.. the contractions came back and they checked me again and I was 4cm. I was jumping for joy! but.. beyond that no matter what I did I wouldn't dilate anymore and it came to a point where the nurse highly suggested more morphine so I took some more, she asked me over and over again if I want the epidural and I said NO WAY. Finally a couple hours later the doctor came in and broke my water.. and holy crap the contractions were hitting me HARD and FAST! I was receiving laughing gas at this point, not even 15 minutes later I felt my body trying to push for me and I told the nurses, they said let me check and I was telling them now hurry! I'm need to push! So they checked me and it was time, I was pushing for the life of me but his head just wouldn't come out😣 countless trys later they finally decided to give me an episiotomy. sadly.. I had an intern delivering my baby while my doctor stood close and monitored, she made the first cut but didn't make it deep enough so she told me to stop pushing in which I couldn't and I sure as hell wouldn't! My doctor said to her, she cant! I was cut 3 more times and 5 pushes later my little man was born! A total of about an hour of pushing. They had the oxygen and everything hooked up ready for him... but they didn't need it!! πŸ’ž I only got to hold him for a short 20ish seconds as I was hemmerging bad, my plecenta was not coming out properly so that took over an hour to get it all out, I was than stitched up and ready to hold my baby. 😍 the whole experience was so incredibly painful, the worst pain ever imagined 😣 but it was so worth it and I'm glad I said no to the epidural. I did it! πŸ’ž I was in labour for 27.5 hours. My little man was born March. 30th at 6:31 am. he weighed 5lbs 7oz and is incredibly healthy 😍 We are very lucky that he is waaay better than anyone expected. Here is Noah Nickolas White 😍 my man who beat the odds!!! (reposted as I left out major details)