He straight up ended the call.

So, I was calling my boyfriend and he didn’t answer. He ALWAYS answers. Even if he’s at the gym, HE’LL still answer.

So I call and finally he answers. The location he’s at is unknown and he says he’s about to leave. It’s echoey and he stutters and fumbles his words saying, “I’m outside, I’m inside, I’m about to leave right now” he said he went to the gym, he texted me this at 9:06pm. I left him alone, I had some family stuff I had to take care of anyway. I let him do his thing.

I couple weeks ago, I think a month or so, a unknown number tells me he’s been on tinder flirting with girls. I delete it and confront him over the phone. He says it’s not true and I leave it at that. I hate drama, I hate all this nonsense.

I spend the night at his house every weekend. He likes the company as well as I.. however, he doesn’t cuddle me anymore, he isn’t close when we are sleeping as he was.. maybe I’m over thinking things.

But he just ended the call.. out of nowhere.. didn’t say buy, didn’t say I love you. Just a couple kisses and *beep*

Should I be worried?