How to get a 4 month old back to sleep 😴

Kayla • Nora Elyse 12/8/17 💕

4 month sleep regression. We allll are either going through it or will be (unless you’re the fortunate soul who’s baby will skip over it).

How is everyone getting their baby BACK to sleep?

My daughter wakes up in the middle of the night and is wide awake. She’s not really fussing, just babbling and wanting to play. Eventually she will start to fuss if she gets bored.

At bedtime she is great about putting herself to sleep, but middle of the night is a whole different story.

I’ve been having to nurse her just so she’ll calm down enough to get sleepy again.

What’s been working for everyone else?! I don’t know how to help her fall back asleep without nursing 😪