4/11 - CD 25 / 9 DPO

🌜⭐| a m a n d a |⭐🌛 • 32-years-young / TTC #1 💍 6.26.07 - Until Forever 💋

Had trouble going to sleep last night, a bit of insomnia, I guess. Only slept for about 4 1/2 hours. My throat was so dry and sore I couldn't stand it, and the more water I drank of course the more I had to get up to pee. Still having uterine pains, feeling a little crampy and still have the pinches in the same exact spot. Yesterday afternoon I was talking to my husband, I was in the middle of telling him, "geez, I just can't get enough water!" and I was stopped mid-sentence by this intense piecing pain in same area of the pinching. It was so intense that it stopped me in my tracks and I grabbed onto the doorway for support. It felt almost like an electrical shock going through my body. Hubby of course had to make a joke about it, he told me "it's just the baby's soul implanting," 😩 I can't be upset with him for making light of it though, I know it's his way of dealing with it. After the first few cycles he said he's learned not to get his hopes up. I know that he wants this just as much as I do.

I rolled over last night and realized the outer edges of my breasts were sore, and they're still tender this morning. Trying not to get excited over this symptom -- it's not one that I ever have, but I know my body likes to play tricks on me when it comes to TTC! The end of this cycle is nearing and I'm getting nervous. 🤞🤞

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