Progesterone suppositories...

Sheldan • 🌈BA in psych, currently working on my Psy.D. Married. one Early MC...🤰🏽🌈 #1 11/26/18. #prochoice #prolove #profreedom

I keep seeing people with progesterone levels that were near mine got put on extra progesterone. My progesterone levels were 11.8 at 4 weeks 5 days, and she never tested my progesterone again and didnt put me on extra progesterone. I had a missed miscarriage my first time around. Should I be worried that my doctor didnt test it again and didnt put me on progesterone? I'm 7 weeks 2 days now. Had a scan at 6 weeks 1 day, showed gestational sac, fetal pole, and heartbeat.