

On 2/22 I was rushed into surgery for ectopic pregnancy. I lost my left tube. And ended up having a tubal and normal pregnancy but due to the rupture I miscarried my normal pregnancy.

After the surgery, a few days post-op I started bleeding like a period. I documented the days and at exactly the same time next month I got a period. Which I got a week and half ago. It ended on 4/4.

On the 9th of April I started to bleed a little, like spotting. I am on bc and there has been a few times since the surgery that I forgot to take it. But I bleed for a few hours, kinda light. Stopped and then later that night bled again. Then stopped and it did it twice on the 10th as well. I currently am not bleeding and haven’t since the middle of yesterday.

I’ve had light to mild cramps.

I’ve been super hungry. & lately since the surgery I’ve had little to no appetite.

I’m very edgy( but could still be from my hormones being off due to that pregnancy and the surgery and the bc. But to me my period is kinda regulated because it fell at the exact day my app calculated.

I’ve also taken a test yesterday and on the 9th. Both negative. (Just curious bc I’m kinda scared to get pregnant again because I had an ectopic last time and they said the chances are I’ll have another? And it’s still kinda soon)

I’m looking for other people’s thoughts.


-Do you guys think I may be pregnant?


My body is still adjusting and my period and hormones are off?