The way I look at cheating

Some of yall are going to hate me but eh

I dont see the mistress/side chick as the villian when it comes to cheating. I don't see them as home wreckers because if your S/O was willing to sleep with them to begin with that means your marriage/relationship was already falling apart.

And that is the fault of the married parties, no one elses.

I'm not saying the wife is to blame if her husband is just a POS who sleeps with every woman he see's even though their marriage is fine. Its clearly the mans fault.

And same goes for if their marriage is on the rocks, if a woman goes out and sleeps with a man who isnt her husband thats her fault no one elses.

The other man/woman didnt make vows, they didn't make a commitment to the wife/husband so they aren't responsible.


I'm not taking up for the side piece, and im not saying sleeping with a married person is ok. All im saying is that a person has control over who they sleep with. If a married person sleeps with someone other than their spouse then their the ones to blame.THEIR THE ONES WHO RUINED THEIR MARRIAGE.

So what if a someone else pursued them?? They should be loyal enough to turn them down.

Also im sorry but as wrong as it is to knowingly sleep with a married person the outside party owes you nothing

I'm not nor have I ever been a side chick

Yall just can't stand some one having a different opinion and people who actually hold their significant others accountable for their actions.