
My chest caves in, I’m scared to leave bed. I don’t want to face my demons today. My thoughts run wild, I just want to give up on myself. It feels like nothing matters anymore, not even me. I start to feel like a burden, like I’m pulling everyone down and they’ll be better without me. I feel like I’m all alone, no matter what anyone says to me it’s not true or it doesn’t matter. I just feel like I need to end it because I’m so tired of fighting it every single day. When my depression is at its worst, I feel like I’m drowning in the middle of an entire ocean, and ‘death’ is a floating raft. All I can do is choose to keep floating until I completely exhaust myself, or climb on. Like my own brain has turned against me. I don’t know myself anymore and any memory of happiness has been completely vanished as if it never existed. The only escape seems to be abandoning my own body.

I already feel like I no longer exist.

I don’t want to die.

I just want to disappear. I want to just go to sleep and never wake up again.

That’s what depression is like.