New to glow

Hi, everyone. I'm new on here and I've read alot of other women's post and I feel this is the perfect app to help us conceive. My husband an I have been ttc for abt 2 years now. On and off with both of us deploying. But now that I'm out and he'll be out soon we have more time to try. Anyway, I've gotten so much advise on how to try, what and how to check, but I'm in the need for something new, something different, something that might help is to conceive. We are currently in the process of checking or testing my husband's sperm. My anniversary is Aug 18 and I really wanna surprise him with me being pregnant after we have been trying so long. Please ladies if you have any more advise I'm always open to it, because we have had no luck yet and it's very frustrating :(