Wow just wow😍

Kasandra • Catt❤️

I never knew I could love an animal so much. My last pup I didn’t even feel this attached. This is bandit. He is my wonderfully wild one ear pup! I got him at 3 weeks old. Only reason he was so young was because the original owner was going to kill him if no one would take him. I gave roughly 14 puppies a new home just so they would be able to experience life. I, of course, wanted the oddest one. Bandit is the runt of the bunch and he was born with one ear. He almost died a few days after I took him in. He wouldn’t drink the bottles of puppy formula, he had an extremely horrid case of roundworms as in he was throwing up piles of worms, he didn’t bark or hardly walk. He was pitiful and something told me that I had to make sure that this cute little puppy had to live. My cousin who works at the local vet came to look at him for me and she brought me medicine for him. Eventually after a week or so he started acting like a happy lively puppy! This might be a boring story for those who took the time to read it but for me it’s a step up in the world! I love my little man more than anything and I wouldn’t trade him for the world.